Mohammad Ali

Job's Ladder

Visit NowSource Code

An Employees and Job Seekers Management Platform

Key Features
  • HR Can Post a job for a perfect candidate.
  • Job seeker will see and could apply his desired jobs.
  • HR can give task to the job seeker.
  • HR Will be able to send e-mail to job seekers & employees.
  • User Profile Management including profile picture, bio, social links, skills, experiences, educations, contact information.
  • User can see all experiences
  • User can see all educations
  • User can see all social links
  • User can see all contact information
Job's Ladder
project image
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Key Technologies
  • React JS
  • Redux
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Firebase
  • Daisy UI
  • Node JS
  • Express JS
  • MongoDB
  • Axios
  • Node Mailer
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Let's do something new with me!

Mohammad ali

I am a self-taught web developer who loves to build products that make people's lives easier.

© 2024 Mohammad Ali