Mohammad Ali


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Temporary Email Service - Forget about junk mail, with Mailrapido 💌 Get Free access to an unlimited number of disposable e-mail addresses ✔ generated automatically or customizable.

Key Features
  • Create Customized Temporary Email Address
  • Receive Incoming Emails to Temporary Email Address
  • View Incoming Emails
  • Delete Incoming Emails
  • Delete Temporary Email Address
  • Blogs & Articles about Temporary Email Address
  • Authentication with Email & Password, Social Logins (Google, Facebook, Twitter)
  • Subscription with Stripe Payment Gateway
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Key Technologies
  • Next JS
  • TypeScript
  • React Query
  • shadcn UI
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Prisma
  • ZOD
  • React Hook Form
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Let's do something new with me!

Mohammad ali

I am a self-taught web developer who loves to build products that make people's lives easier.

© 2024 Mohammad Ali